Calmira Guestbook

Thank you for visiting Calmira Online. The Guestbook script unfortunately is inactive for the moment, but if you like to add an guestbook entry, just use the feedback form and add the required information (Name, E-mail and Location). Thanks!

Name: Robin Roe, owner and administrator of Calmira Online!
Location: Colorado Springs, CO USA
Date: Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 17:38:33

Hello all, and welcome to our guestbook, feel free to leave your mark.

This is *your* guestbook, enjoy!

Name: Sebastian S.
Email: s....@
Location: Kraków, Poland
Date: Wednesday August 2, 2023 at 13:42:56 CEST

This is incredible that you still maintain this page and sooooo long Calmira software. I used Calmira somewhere about 1996 (or 1997?) on my old 486DX4-100 with Windows 3.11. Next I've moved to OS2 Warp and Slackware Linux and finally to Windows 2000 in 2001 with new PII desktop (I've never used Win95/98 for more than few months). Thank you very much for those brilliant years!

Email: scherpereelj@
Date: Sunday, May 6, 2007 at 11:40:47

I installed calmira on top of win XP just to test it. How to uninstall this f**** system and get my winXP desktop back?
F***** bad idea, I'd say ;-)
Search for the line starting with "shell=" in system.ini and delete it.

Name: Dave W.
Email: dbswatts@
Date: Saturday, November 4, 2006 at 21:26:06

I use it on top of Win 3.1 instead of using Win 9x. I find that when a power user like me tinkers around too much and for too long with installed software, the OS crashes. Faced with that situation the thought of re-installing Win 9x or higher along with all those updates is daunting. Sometimes even my backup program gets corrupted in the process. So i've switched to copying an old backup of Windows 3.1 and adding Calmira II. I do the Y2K update and i'm up and on my way in minutes. BTW, I use Arachne 1.89 for my emailing too.

Thanks. And please keep it a simple, easy-to-use GUI.

Email: vinpm1@
Date: Tuesday, October 3, 2006 at 16:21:16

You are great!, spiritual one. I can say just, this is like the angel who saves people from enslaving, and Calmira is also a masterpieces of art, beautiful Win 3 total conversion. I never thought I can see my beloved Windows 3.1 comes this alive again.
OK. I have nothing more but to thanks for your generosity making this great work for non-profit aim.
Well, I know how great Calmira are, but (why but?) one suggestion I have is, I think Calmira doesn't need Win 9x/XP widget set much (except for the taskbar), she (or he?) should has her own look. I didn't hate newer Windows, but I just think Calmira is just too good to be just a mimic.

Name:Peter Protus
Email: protus@
Date: Monday, September 4, 2006 at 19:28:47

I just wanted to say, that I made Calmira Longhorn.. It's working very good, but there is a small problem. I used french version of Delphi 1, so there are some french buttons, but everything other is still english. I've on my calmira site said, that there is an background in calmira, but I've been forced to remove that background, so don't be surprised, if you didn't found it in package...


Peter Protus (***SLOVAKIA***)

Name: Henrietta K. Thomas
Email: hkt@
Date: Tuesday, August 8, 2006 at 05:35:46

I remember you submitted an RFD to create a Calmira group in the comp.* hierarchy. I think you withdrew because the folks in news.groups weren't vry interested. I'm writing to tell you that news.groups is now under new management, and you may want to consider trying again. For information about the new system, see

Email: kernunnos@
Date: Monday, June 12, 2006 at 08:21:26

Thank you so much! There's life in old laptops yet!

Keep up the good work!

Email: sketch_man16@
Date: Friday, May 12, 2006 at 03:36:35

I just got a few old PCs for free. My high school upgraded, so they just throw away perfectly good machines.
I got two IBM computers so far. One is an Aptiva. The other, I'm not sure about, but they are both close to 300mhz boxes, so Calmira should fly on them. They were originally loaded with Win95 and 98, but I'm going to revert to DOS and Win3.1. Calmira is going on both of them. So, thanks again.
Here's to stickin' it to the man.
I now have absolutely no reason to buy a new computer. Thanks for making it possible.

PS: I'm looking forward to messing with people with the XP-looking version of Calmira. Oooh, the possibilities.

Email: taliska1@
Date: Thurday, May 11, 2006 at 22:19:31

I made some small utilities (nothing fancy) quite some time ago that I've putted on the internet. Check out

Name: Paul Campbell
Email: shadeswifteye@
Date: Monday, April 17, 2006 at 13:15:48

I just wondered if Calmira is still being developed and if there are any plans for any updates/newer versions? I have used your product since version 1 and it is an excellent addon and has helped countless people, it would be a shame if it stopped now, especially as Windows Vista is coming out soon.

Keep up the good work

Paul Campbell

Email: private@
Date: Saturday, March 11, 2006 at 20:14:48

I am very happy that there is something like Calmira is just installed it on my Toshiba 3.1 laptop and it works perfect i now can really USE my laptop again :DDDDD

THANK YOU!!!!!!!

Email: RNLOW2@
Location: California, USA
Date: Wednesday, Dezember 14, 2005 at 05:16:14

Thank for all the great information about Calmira 2 3.3. I have several laptops that still use DOS and Windows 3.11, Can't wait to use Calmira shell on these laptops
CPU 486 sx/50mhz
Memory 8mb
Video grayscale
HDD 1.5 GB


Email: Lanthraxssx@
Date: Monday, Dezember 12, 2005 at 21:35:00

I just want to say that im using Windows NT 3.51 with Calmira and that its like
the best program out there. I have it installed on my Packard Bell.


100 mhz pentium 1                    Athlon 64 4200 X2
16 MB ram                            2 Gigs DDR PC 3200
2 gig hard drive                     300 GB SATA 2 , 74 GB Raptor
Nvidia TNT 2                         2 Geforce 7800 GTX SLI
Calmira and Windows NT 3.51          Windows x64 

Email: kokakoda [at] fsmail [dot] net
Date: Wednesday, November 9, 2005 at 14:52:47

I recently acquired a P133 laptop with 16MB of RAM. Windows '95 runs - as
expected - slow as hell on it. Thanks to Calmira, it's now able to hold its own
against my x64 XP-based desktop machine. Well, almost. :D

In fact, I'm so impressed with the program; I've even decided to dig out my old
Pascal books and get hold of a 16-bit copy of Delphi. Is there anyone else out
there still developing Calmira? How about starting a project on SourceForge?

P133 laptop          Athlon 64 3200+ @ 2200MHz
16MB RAM             1GB RAM
20GB HDD             120GB HDD * 2
Windows 3.11         Windows XP x64 Edition
DOS 6.22             nVidia GeForce 4 64MB
CalmiraXP 3.33       
Slackware Linux      Gentoo Linux

Email: din100@
Location: UK
Date: Wednesday, October 5, 2005 at 17:03:36

I'm so impressed with the software. I just bought a new windows 3.1 computer on ebay. great work guys keep up the good work

Email: Neo-Felix@
Location: Brazil
Date: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 at 03:59:06

Olá, meu nome é Félix e sou brasileiro. Simplesmente adorei este projeto, ele traduz um antigo desejo meu... mostrar que o Windows 3.11 pode ser tão bom quanto qualquer recente lançamento da Microsoft! Para mim o melhor Windows já lançado foi o 3.x!
Tenho 15 anos e sou programador de Assembly, estou construindo um Sistema Operacional compativel com o DOS, chamado Neo-DOS. Pretendo dar suporte à aplicações Windows, para isso vou usar a estrutura de bibliotecas de 16bits do Windows 3.1, pois são muito menos complicadas, mais práticas e eficientes que as versões atuais. Com certeza, irei usar o CALMIRA como minha interface gráfica!

Name: Renan Birck
Email: renan.birck@
Location: Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
Date: Sunday, July 24, 2005 at 02:30:06

23/july/2005. Seems that Calmira is not dead!
Great work, brings new life to old machines.

At work I have an old Windows 3.11 machine that is used to control electronics devices via the serial port.
I installed Calmira on it and it works nicely.

Renan Birck
Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Email: cggrey1@
Date: Thursday, July 21, 2005 at 18:58:28

I just wanted to say that Calmira is a work of considerable genius in my view. I got rid of windows 95 as it was so slow on my old 486 which was gathering dust in the corner. I put 3.1 back on like the ol days and then put calmira on and it's like a new machine. Amazing. And it's fast. Keep up the good work. I'll send a donation. Gareth

Name: Gerhard
Email: der.polsterische@
Location: Vienna
Date: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 at 17:31:08

yes, please don't stop working on calmira! it's a wonderful project, wich should stay alive!

Name: David
Email: d.kuri@
Date: Thursday, May 5, 2005 at 21:53:02

Hey, I heard Calmira 4 should be finished in 2003! PLEASE keep going, don't stop Calmira it's a too wonderful Project to get lost! :( I wish you and your project all the best!

Email: knuxt15@
Date: Monday, April 4, 2005 at 14:03:42

This is like the best Win16 app ever. Let's hope to see some more updates and work!

Email: clarjon1@
Date: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 at 19:35:59

I have successfully run (not ported) Calmira on Knoppix!
I'll be sending scrnshts soon

Name: ohiodad1965
Date: Saturday, Februar 19, 2005 at 19:14:37

You've probably answered this a million times, but I couldn't find the answer on your .de site. Is this simpally a program to make Win3.11 look like v95, or will it also run 32bit programs? If not, will i be able us it and 32Bits (Or whatever it's called)? Thanks a lot.

By the way, what does Gates think of a GNU project keeping alive software he wants to die?

The answer to your first question is on the index page: "Calmira is a complete 16-bit shell". That's it. A user interface.
If you like to run 32bit programs, you will need Win32s, an enhancement originally designed to run NT 3.x programs on Windows 3.1x. The Win32s compatibility list is a comprehensive summary of 32bit programs that can be run more or less with Win32s.


Email: neotms88@
Date: Friday, Februar 18, 2005 at 18:03:23

I think calmira is awsome. I use it on a Pentium 60 with 24Mb. RAM, it has allowd me to customize windows in ways I have not thought of before. I can't wait for the LFN compadible version to be released, I even prefer calmira to explorer! (though because of lfn issues I have not used it under '95)

Name: Phillip
Email: sonic_beat_266@
Location: Canada
Date: Saturday, Januar 15, 2005 at 04:00:04

I like how my computer looks now. I can access programs like as if I where on win 95. Keep up the good work! I can't wait for new updates!

P.S. Try to see if you can include winlogo into the installer. I like the idea of changing that boring splash.

16 yrs old

Email: jefutter@
Date: Sunday, January 9, 2005 at 07:23:08

I used Windows 3.1 up until 2001. I was browsing the Internet one day land found Calmira's website. I downloaded a copy of one of the older versions of it 2.2, I think, I got a new computer and put SuSE Linux 8.0 on it and havn't touched Win3 or Calmira for years. I was browing the Internet and found the website again and had to go to the feedback page and say that I love their product. Just now I'm even having fun with WINE, a basic UI and Calimira XP. It looks just like Windows.

Name: Imi
Location: Germany
Date: Monday, November 22, 2004 at 13:27:33

Hello, I thanks thats it Calmira gives! I have it on my Old Compaq Presario (486 dx2 66Mhz Svga monitor 16bit) installed. Everything functioned like it is.
(I will make Longhorn Calmira, and will make them for you available; -)
Sorry my english isnt perfect....

Name: Allen K. WIlliams
Email: allen_k_williams@
Location: Overland Park, Kansas
Date: Thursday, November 18, 2004 at 16:58:26

Thanks for this great Windows user interface! What an improvement in operating systems over Progman!

I love Win 3.1 and have kept my old 386 despite having acquired a newer Pentium with Win 95C. I found you by accident as I was looking for some other software when I stumbled on CALMIRA on the WIN 3.1 site. The version I downloaded was in GERMAN but I saw enough to know there had to be an English Version available and that's when I found it on your site!

I love the easy configuration, customizing and the ease with which Applets are added to the taskbar. I've already passed a copy of Calmira33.exe on to a friend who also has a 386. His response? Excellent!

Thanks again, and I'll be watching your site for further developments.

Name: RDOliwav
Email: atom@
Location: Hungary
Date: Thursday, Oktober 28, 2004 at 19:40:01

I have an old IBM PS/2, 4Mb RAM, 50 Mb HDD, 640x480x4bit. I'm using it since '96. Using Calmira made me feel I'm using a new computer. Calmira is COOL!!! Too bad, that my system still cant use 32bit programs ;-)

Name: Mauricio
Email: mrfventura@
Location: Brazil
Date: Friday, October 1, 2004 at 16:57:01

I'm a Calmira user because I use Win. 3.11 for microcontroller and electronic propourse. I enjoy having a costumized GUI. Everybody admires this machine by the fact of havin such different desktop unknown by the most. The only missing feature is the LFN (long file names) as in Windows 32 bit systems. I use the 4DOS compatible Description facility, but I'd like to know if there is any forecast to us get access to this resourse, as an enthusiastic user I am. Thanks and best regards.

Name: Clinton Ignatov
Email: clinton.ignatov@
Date: Monday, September 20, 2004 at 17:04:15

Hi gang,

I know I've emailed before, it just seems that the Calmira project has slowed greatly. Since May 2002, the only program update has been a bugfix.

So, is everything okay? Is the project on hold? or is there some two year development that will get released and blow everyones socks off?

Hope things are going okay,


Name: Colin Stuart
Email: colinstuart@
Date: Monday, September 6, 2004 at 22:14:12

I have just downloaded Calmira 3.3 and the XP version I tried the regular virsion and my 386 with 6megs of RAM and Windows 3.11 windows for workgroups, and it worked perfectly (it was cool) But later I tried the XP version and everything was messed up. Icon were creppy looking (probably because my computer doesn't do a lot of colors), the taskbar would go down and up and etc. So I was like this doesn't look good, so I looked for a off button for CalmiraXP but I couldn't find one do I tried to uninstall with it on, It deletes most off the files except for the exe, 2 dll files, and a BMP image. Now it is even more messed up, I deleted one DLL,EXE,BMP (it would not let me delete one dll file) And now when I try to open any directories except the Windows directory and the Calmira dir it gives me a error box with a with a OK button and a "!" icon and thats it. And now Windows is always crashing. And now when I rebooted it showed me the backround and that weird error thing and thats it.
The regular virsion made its own dir by it self but the XP made a dir in the Windows dir. Did it move some main windows file in there and mess up everything?
Now I Have to reinstall Windows and install THE REGULAR CALMIRA!!!!! I didn't backup ever.
Also in the regular virsion it said when you press shutdown it would say Shutdown Calmira, Shutdown computer, restart, etc. But in XP it didn't have turn off Calmira

Email: candle_860@
Date: Saturday, September 4, 2004 at 22:28:46.

I enjoy your Calmira shell program alot. I started using computers when win 98 came out and am totaly unfamilar with 3.11's normal use. I use Calmira on my 1.6 Duron computer's 2nd hard drive. I really like the frindly interface and would enjoy another Calmira with better win32 support.

Email: jrsmole@
Date: Sunday, July 18, 2004 at 22:28:45

I installed Calmira XP on my old Pentium 133 w/40 megs of RAM. It is the most AWESOME thing I've ever seen! My buddy who works for Microsoft could not believe what he was seeing! I have just started with Calmira, but plan on delving deeper into the possibilities!! THANK YOU for the BEST piece of software I've ever used!! GREAT JOB!!

Email: cwortman@
Date: Monday, May 31, 2004 at 07:16:01

Hey i altered the calmira II to look more xpish and was about all the way done when i sad wtf i might as well and go ahead and make all purty i have 32 bit color depth in win31 so it looks amazing i did this on my offline labtop so i really dont know how to make a screenshot all the icons are really pretty like longhorn 4074 the taskbar is of slate and plex and the new jade theme (under construction) all the title bars look slaty or plexy jade has errors but coming along i am looking to maybey submit this to make a Calmira III i really dont know of a version # i also added a new win32 support to run win9x files alot more and better it is an emulator works really nice bc it will do a search for dll files and if it cant find 1 it will ask for them on a disk then copy them to a directory on your disk it supports lfn and everything long live windows 3.1 ~_~ i am currently looking to buy licencing for win31 from Micro$oft they said i have to change the name to make it a diff os name and ver # i have to remove all ms logos ms names and it cannot run on msdos it has to have a different dos command prompt and i have to include an installer different from the one windows uses and cannot use certain terms it is under review from the ms board of operating systems distrobutions to make win3.1 gnu pplus afterwards i have to host a sight containing scource code and original windows 3.1 setup files untouched but i can sell a stable version if i want to so there will be a new windows like os coming soon hopefully with your permissions utilizing your shell i am doing this as nonprofit and will prolly not sell the full ver just as a dl link the os looks nice and will be available shortly :)

Email: roro@
Date: Saturday, May 15, 2004 at 04:09:59

Hi, just a ghost from Calmira's past dropping by. Glad to see that the site survived my bungling! :)

Email: SCDeville@
Date: Thursday, April 22, 2004 at 03:40:57

I just wanted to say that for many years I had an old 486 pc with the w 3.1. I cannot tell how amusing was, little by little, go changing the look of it to a windows 95. The only thing I could never did, was to add some kind of logo.sys to start the pc. (Is there a way?).
Thanks a lot for those many hours of entertainment and those bets won (Which OS am I running? Windows 95? no, is the 3.1! wanna bet???) Bye

Email: doubleduce221@
Date: Wednesday, Februar 25, 2004 at 05:29:14

I pulled out my old 3.1 laptop and I found this amazing software. thanks for making it.

Name: Thomas
Email: divideoverflow@
Date: Thursday, February 19, 2004 at 02:14:58

Actually I am not trying to find a new shell for Windows 3.1, although I have used Calmira in the past. I actually want to keep Windows XP, which my computer currently runs. However I desire to have the old Program Manager shell back.

I know that all versions of Windows since '95 have included updated versions of Program Manager, however the way the program manager groups are managed is somewhat different. When the groups themselves are minimized instead of minimizing to icons as in Windows 3.1, they minimize to a shunken titlebar. Frankly, I don't like the way this looks. If I want to run Program Manager, I want it to look and feel like Windows 3.1.

Since you guys write new software for this old GUI, I was wondering if you guys might know of a shell that emulates not only the functionality, but the look and feel of Program Manager on new versions of Windows. I appreciate any information you can give me.


Email: madapan@
Date: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 at 20:12:19

I was about to throw out an old laptop when I heard about Calmira. Now it looks just like Win XP.

THANKS ALOT!!! I recomend it.

Name: Calmirafan
Email: calmirafan@
Date: Sunday, December 7, 2003 at 22:51:05

i used calmira for 2 years but alas i have been sucked in to the windows 95 trap, and have not used calmira since and have had to put up with illeagal opperations and such but if anyone ever makes a windows 95 calmira i will use it in aheart beat! great job guys

Name: Edward Chew
Email: gmtraining@
Location: Malaysia
Date: Saturday, November 29, 2003 at 02:24:26

Hi Calmira,

Great work! But why the explorer still remain like win95 since Calmira is moving to LFN and may be XP style?

Name: Antoine Trifonov
Email: necroman007@
Location: Hungary
Date: Monday, November 24, 2003 at 21:27:51

Hello Calmira Team!

Sorry about my bad english.
I don't understand, why fucos you just on Windows 95. WinXP is much more beautifull. I know CalmiraXP, but it's very buggy. And I think, the Win 3.11 with all of official updates (and present unofficial) is obsolescent (or antiquated now too), for example Win 3.11 needs FAT32 and long file names support, IE5 needs some update too, to use with newest sites. I know, I request a lot of enormous things, but these are only ideas, I'd like just help you. Thanks to read it. Bye! Good work!

Email: mjollyman@
Date: Monday, October 27, 2003 at 11:29:55

Calmira XP

I am astounded! Another excellent update for my aging 3.1 Laptop, well done,

Name: na
Date: Thursday, October 23, 2003 at 22:04:44

wow! great software! i feel the need to get a 3.1 comp from good will and start playing around with it.

Email: argenauta
Location: Argentine
Date: Friday, October 3, 2003 at 21:46:19

Los felicito a todos por todo el trabajo que estan haciendo, lo que redunda en mejorar maquinas que de otra manera serian basura contaminante. Ya que para el actual sistema economico lo que paso se tira.....grave error para un sistema cerrado, y lo estamos pagando.
Bien hay una NEC Versa S 33 que durara unos añitos mas de la mano de CALMIRA II 3.3 (W95) todavia la estoy poniendo a punto y aprendiendo mas cada dia

Name: jrmesyk
Email: jrmesyk@
Date: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 at 21:19:14

What a program! It's the best out there. Windows 3.1?? What Windows 3.1? I haven't seen it since Calmira was made.

Name: Leif Theden
Email: tenryuchan@
Date: Sunday, August 3, 2003 at 17:11:09

I'd just like to say thank you for such a wonderful product! At my place of business, we have a computer with wfw3.11 attached to a CNC cutting machine. The cutting program will not run in win95, so we are stuck with wfw3.11. Calmira really made it easy to operate the otherwise tedious computer. In fact, just being able to manage files quickly and launching programs may have saved us alot of money by eliminating the need for new software! Thank you and keep up the good work!

Name: Thierry
Email: thierrykurt2068@
Location: Cordoba, Argentine
Date: Sunday, June 8, 2003 at 22:29:50

Incredible soft , i like it , from Argentine Vey soon , my 386 page!!

Name: brenda lambert
Email: bundylee35@
Location: Sanford , NC US
Date: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 at 03:38:53

Hello, I am currently trying to restore a packard bell computer but I can't seem to get it to access anything but the floppy. I'm needing a restoration floppy for this. The computer is a Packard Bell Legend Supreme 1973. If anyone has in info on this please let me know. Thank you

Name: Paul Girling
Email: pgirling@
Location: Melbourne, Vic Australia
Date: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 at 14:37:46

A great piece of software and full cudos to all involved in it's creation and development. Very highly recommended. I have been a user since version 2. Works great with win/os2 in OS/2 Warp.

Name: Marlena
Email: masterschranz231@
Date: Friday, May 9, 2003 at 07:30:27

Hello! Good work on this site, really nice!

Name: Jana Lakowski
Email: luckyjana@
Location: Kassel, Deutschland
Date: Thursday, May 8, 2003 at 09:54:06

Hello, I love it.....its cool.......keep it up

Name: kontakte
Email: tamara.krings@
Location: Kulmbach, Deutschland
Date: Thursday, May 8, 2003 at 09:47:51

Hallohalli bin gerade zufällig hier vorbeigekommen, Nette Site, Gruß Tamara

Name: suchmaschinen eintrag
Email: Sabine.Breiter
Location: Villach, Austria
Date: Saturday, May 3, 2003 at 07:45:10

Great work, really nice Site you put up here. Best, Sabine

Name: Suchmaschinenoptimierung
Email: b_wackmann@
Location: Stockach, Deutschland
Date: Saturday, May 3, 2003 at 07:44:48

Hi, just popped in here through a random link. Cool site, keep this good work up :-) Best, Bjoerncloaking

Name: ischa
Date: Thursday, April 17, 2003 at 13:02:38

Calmira ist the best for Win 3.1x. When comes the next release? (With long Filenames) We are waiting for........

Name: Alan
Email: alanb4@
Date: Wednesday, April 9, 2003 at 06:54:17

Great site!

Name: Nick
Email: dominicus@
Location: victoria, canada
Date: Sunday, April 6, 2003 at 17:03:03

Just 2 let anyone wo ,like me , didnt realize- tho ive been using calmira ( and calypso, actually, still got it buried in my files somewhere) for a couple years or so, i didnt realize just how different the various versions are- i was using 3.3 for the last year and think calxp33's really attractive too (331's a bit buggy! )- gotta say tho , in my opinion , cant beat the tasteful approach of Cal 30DB (nice job Dave!!!) , and his run dialog works beautifully- i wish Cal33 had something in its explorer like it - Theyre all nice though - Those icons in Calxp ! Yes! To everybody tweaking calmira -Kudos 2 U!!!

Name: MUGU
Email: MUGU@
Date: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 at 08:10:46


Name: Kevin Childers
Email: KevTecCreate@
Location: covington, ky U.S.
Date: Monday, March 24, 2003 at 17:24:40

Excellent Program!!! I am learning to be a programer and you guys inspired me so in 5 to 10 years be on the look out for KevTec Creations. if you want to see one of my first programs or give me a couple of pointers e-mail me at KevTecCreate@ or digitamerk@. p.s. how come my screen shot has not been posted?

Name: sarah orion
Email: girlnipple@
Location: covington, ky u.s.
Date: Monday, March 24, 2003 at 17:18:30

I have used calmira for 2 years now and i like it much better than win XP which i'm forced to use. but on my old computer it's calmira all the way! YOU GUYS REALLY ROCK!! p.s. I look forward to seeing my screen shot.

Name: michael
Email: sheebamax@
Location: napier, new zealand
Date: Monday, March 24, 2003 at 13:38:48

great web site could do with a few xtras though like oputting a bit more byte into the setout it is really dull! but calmira is so good i could make love to it all night.

Name: Edward
Email: gmtraining@
Location: KL, WP Malaysia
Date: Thursday, March 20, 2003 at 07:38:44

Great product! but why no update since last year?? keep make it happen! thanz

Name: Worzle
Email: worzle8@
Location: Liverpool, England Britian
Date: Saturday, March 15, 2003 at 11:27:02

Wow!! Quality product you've made here... Is Calmira still going to be updated btw? -w0zl3

Name: James
Email: Jass_1967@
Location: detroit, mi wayne
Date: Friday, March 7, 2003 at 08:25:31

Like Calmira very much, and suggest it to anybody who is running 3.1

Name: Steve Torok
Email: sjtorok84@
Location: Overland Park, Kansas United States of America
Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 at 21:10:50

omg, this prog is so awsome. LOL SEMICOLON PARENTHESIS!

Name: Amber
Email: jjamber@
Date: Saturday, February 22, 2003 at 19:39:32

I'm new and I'm going to give it a try, wish me Luck!

Name: Samuel Davis
Email: win311site@
Location: Colchester, Essex England
Date: Saturday, February 22, 2003 at 07:50:01

Great Web Site!! GREATPROGRAM!!!!! Please can you send me some calmira info and picies for my website?? Thanx :)

Name: Ike
Email: iike@
Location: Sco Paulo, SP Brasil
Date: Friday, February 21, 2003 at 23:58:22

Calmira i o melhor freeware que se pode encontrar na Net.

Name: Erik
Email: kire_w@
Location: Almere, Flevoland Holland
Date: Friday, February 14, 2003 at 12:21:26

Great program. Can i run it on windows nt 3.5.
- Yes, you can (comment by the webmistress) -.

Name: K
Date: Friday, February 14, 2003 at 04:17:47

Great job!

Name: grayfox
Location: brokenarrow, ok usa
Date: Thursday, February 6, 2003 at 12:37:14

this utility works very well

Email: nope@
Location: pomtiedom, NL
Date: Thursday, February 6, 2003 at 07:52:38

Jeeaah bwoooy, This is what I've been looking for, you guys bring my old IBM-laptop back on track! greetz Leon

Name: Larry Bishop
Email: ve3lab@
Location: Ottawa, Canada
Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 15:34:03

Greetings from Lawrence Bishop.

Name: Wengier
Email: wengierwu@
Date: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 19:31:45

The latest version of the LFN driver for DOS -- DOSLFN 0.32m(dated on Jan 16,2003) works very stable and can now fully support all long file names,including DBCS LFNs (such as Chinese LFNs,Japanese LFNs).It can be downloaded from: Therefore,Calmira can make use of it.

Name: Juha Jokinen
Email: jokinen_juha@
Location: Toivakka, Finland
Date: Tuesday, January 7, 2003 at 03:42:20

Calmira is what i have seeked for years. It really reincarnates my old computer. You really should keep up work to provide new and even more better GUI. I wish there someday will be a system to run 32-bit software.

Name: Billy Shaw
Email: mtyhog@
Location: Mechanicsville, Va. USA
Date: Monday, January 6, 2003 at 07:19:35

Great job guys love it keep up the good work.

Name: CJ
Email: cjcool171@
Location: Chicago, IL USA
Date: Saturday, January 4, 2003 at 09:59:34

I've been using Calmira for about two years on my old 486 and it runs great! There hasn't been any updates for awhile, but I hope you guys keep up the good work and make future improvements! ;D

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