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This is my desktop on my Dell Latitude CPI D266 XT, 64mb RAM, 6.4GB hard drive. I'm running WFW 3.11 with CalmiraXP as the shell. As you can see I have used Maxim's patch for WinPlayer to make it look like Winamp. I also have my website Dr Blood's Video Vault on show which I have recently resurrected. Expect a horror themed Calmira download on there soon! The laptop also has Windows 98se on it for the bigger applications so I've got WFW 3.11 running on a FAT32 system using 3xstart. I use it mainly for writing horror film reviews and playing DOS games like Carmageddon. I've been using Calmira for the last 6 years and it just keeps getting better and better. Dr Blood
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